Saturday, September 5, 2009

I think I am grown up...

A lot of things happening. The biggest of them all - I scored myself an internship that I really love. I have been out of University for a year now and have been itching to get into the field of event planning (which is what I really want to do!). So I've been hired on as an unpaid intern from now until December and while it really sucks not to be making money, it is great experience and it is possible I might get hired when the internship is up. So while that is all exciting and all, I really don't want to lose sight of what I am trying to accomplish here in regards to my fitness. So while I have missed a couple of days at the gym (mostly because I have gone on a small vacation and had to work all of last weekend) I am starting to settle into this new routine. It's a lot to get used to! The job is downtown and I live in the suburbs so its a long commute, about an hour and a half. Yuck. I wake up around 6am and leave the house around 7:30am and get home a bit after 6:30pm, so its a long day! However, its really worth it. I just on Tuesday and I made it to the gym every night! I think NROLFW is very doable for someone who is out of the house as much as I am since it requires only about 40 mins at the gym 3 days a week. I am going to try to do HIIT on my days off and just make sure the gym is part of my weekly and daily routines. It's going to be hard though, because this is an internship, I'm still going to be working at the bar Friday and Saturdays till about 3-4am. It will be a lot but its only for 3 months and I desperately need the experience, and hopefully the job this might potentially lead to.

Another challenge of this grown up life of mine, is going to be eating proper breakfasts and bringing my own lunches. I was never good at this. However, since I started NROLFW in the beginning of August, I have gotten used to it and protein shakes and so I've been making those for breakfast, they are great on the run. I also put some of Kashi's protein and Fibre cereal in a ziplock and snack on it. I also brought some cashews and some veggies and dip for a snack. Oh, and let's not forgot my 1L bottle of water! So so far, I think I am doing pretty well. This weekend is the long weekend so I am going to take some time to figure out what kind of things I can eat for breakfast to vary it up, what shakes and what kind of lunches I can bring. When I went to university, I did the same commute and lived a similar lifestyle and gained a ton of weight so I am now scared of the same happening even though I wont have the same stresses (I used to work multiple jobs, while going to school far away and worrying about homework!). Plus I am a lot more educated on proper eating now.

If anyone has any advice/recipes on how to maintain healthy habits let me know!!

Oh yea, and I cheated. I told myself I wasn't going to look at the scale for a month and I cracked. I stepped on it yesterday and to my pleasant surprise, I was a my lowest weight yet. I don't do well when I don't allow myself something, I crack. So I think I might just step on the scale once a week or two, it seems easier for me and keeps me motivated.

Wish me well!

One response to “I think I am grown up...”

I'm glad your episode of cheating on the scale ended up better than mine did. Keeping the lunches you bring from home interesting is very hard! Try some of the recipes in the NROLFW book. They are actually quite good! :)

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