Friday, August 21, 2009


I have decided that I need to take on a new physical challenge.
I work out and spend a lot of time outside and that's all great, but I feel like I need to do something new and something I've never done before, like soccer. Or tennis.
Ever since my younger sister started playing soccer a couple of years, in the back of my mind, I always thought "hm, I can do that." I've never actually played soccer before or played on any type of team, but I get the feeling that I can be good at it, and even if I'm not, I really want to try. I used to think that I was too old to join a team or start something new and wished I had done it when I was younger but for goodness sakes, I'm 23. I shouldn't be saying "I'm too old" for anything. In fact, I found a non-competitive adult soccer team that plays indoor through the winter (yay!) and now I am just trying to collect the guts to sign up!
I wouldn't mind giving tennis a try too....

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