Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Are you good with all your fish oils?

The other day I was buying some protein powder at GNC and upon check out, the salesperson asked me if I was "all good for my vitamins and all my fish oils?" To which I responded with a simple 'yes' however I really had no idea what he was talking about. Looking around GNC, a health store, you see nothing but powders and pills, and packs of pills, bottles of pills, and pill storage containers, and more pill-type paraphernalia. I understand it's all 'good' stuff, but when did eating clean and simple become so complicated? When did a healthy diet go from eating your fruits and veggies to taking 1001 vitamins and pills every morning? Aside from the fact that it's incredibly confusing and overwhelming, but it just seems so unnatural to me. I admit, I take a multivitamin every morning but I figure that's making up for all the nutrients that are lost in the packaging/harvesting/altering and other poking and prodding they do to food nowadays. I do not want to start my day by taking 6 different pills that include things like 'codliver oil', even though I realize I probably should. The point of this rant is that it bothers me that there is a whole industry out there (stores like GNC) which profit of selling vitamins and nutrients that SHOULD be in natural foods, and not the additive and preservative filled crap we call food.
Okay, rant over.

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