Sunday, August 16, 2009

NROLFW and HIIT = awesome combo

I feel great! Yesterday I did the 5th workout (Stage 1, Workout A #3) from NROLFW, it was the first workout where I had to increase the weights and do 12 reps instead of 15. The first time I did the workout, I was struggling with the step-ups which came at the end (after those deadly squats), and I found it really hard to complete it just holding 15lbs worth of weights. Yesterday, I increased the height of my step and moved on to 25lbs worth of weights and although it was challenging, I wasn't struggling to complete it like I did the first time. Little things like this make me really excited. On top of that, I have also noticed I have been progressively losing weight. I know I shouldn't weigh myself more than once a week (though I don't really take it to heart cause I know all the things that effects daily weight fluctuations), my weight these days has been at its lowest in a long time. I really love this program. I love going to the gym with a plan and an outline, I feel like I know what I am doing as opposed to figuring out what to work out next (as I used to do). I still do bits of cardio here and there but I have come to the conclusion that cardio is overrated, greatly. I have been doing a lot of cardio since November, and while I have lost some weight, I plateaued around spring but continued doing cardio. So, I have been running, biking, stepping and whatever you call the motion done on an elliptical, with no big results = overated. Cardio just doesn't present my body with the challenge that it used to be and so I've decided from now on, it's going to be about quality not quantity, so HIIT only from now on. Whenever I used to do HIIT on the treadmill, I would sweat and be exhausted a lot more a lot quicker and felt a lot more satisfied with my workout. The body is just too effiecient for steady-state.

Lesson of the day: Yay for Lifting, yay for HIIT.

2 Responses to “NROLFW and HIIT = awesome combo”

Looks like we are both at about the same point on NROLFW. I would like to do it 3x a week, but I do it with a workout buddy and we can only meet up 2x a week, but either way, I love this workout. Hope I make it through the whole program this time! Thanks for the encouragement. Let me know if you decide to ditch the scale too!

Rena said...

Hey Meg!
Ever since I read you post, I've avoided the scale! I am committed not to look at it again until Sept 16th!

How about you?

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